Christian ‘The Hammer’ Hardman 1st Dan

Christian started training in the junior class at Seaford Karate Club back in 2013 when he was only 5 years old. He confesses he’s obsessed with karate and martial arts in general where he spends time exploring other styles of karate through independent discovery on ‘YouTube’. He finally passed his black belt in 2023 after many years of hard, dedicated training. His natural flexibility and willingness to learn have seen him progress quickly through the grades, and now he’s a lot bigger and stronger his kicking ability is quite impressive.
He has excelled in competition winning many medals in individual and team events. His greatest achievement so far was to get a bronze medal in kumite at the FSKA World Championships.
Outside of the dojo Christian is currently a student and has just taken his GCSEs. His next step is to study Marine Biology at Newhaven. In his spare time he attends ballet lessons, which really helps his karate, and enjoys playing golf with his Dad.
Christian is very level headed, strives to do his best and is an excellent ambassador for Seaford Karate Club. He’s represented the club in both kata and kumite, and he’s become a great role model for the younger kids to look up to. We are proud to have him in our ranks as a black belt and we see a very bright future for him.